Just a reminder that the next meeting is on the 23rd November (7pm, Nottingham Contemporary). It's the chance you've been waiting for to pretend you're busy Christmas shopping, but are actually lounging around and yacking. We're eloquently dissecting Love on the Dole, by Walter Greenwood. If you're struggling with the dialogue in it, just imagine everything being spoken by Vera Duckworth, and you won't go far wrong.
Nick will not be joining us this month, as he's apparently cavorting with some pop star. I'll leave it to him to explain and deny any wrongdoing. I may invent some fictional scandal about him before then. But hopefully some of our new (and returning) members will join us. Maybe even Sue, taking a break from novel-writing month.
We'll also need to work out which of our 'longlist' we want to tackle in January, so we can pester relatives to buy the right book for Christmas. I know, I know, it all sounds like hard work. But it isn't. It's 'hard work' in the way that playing professional football for ninety hours a year is 'hard work'. But slightly less well paid...